We proudly only sell one major brand of tweezers: Dumont. We've been working with this Swiss manufacturer for decades, and what we have found is that there is really no better product on the market that strikes the right balance between quality and price. As our founder Mary states, "In the past, every time we have tried another brand, we have always gone back to Dumont. We started the Electrology Institute of New England in 1987. We came to this conclusion through direct observation of student sessions, observations in the field, and solid feedback from our many electrologist clients throughout the U.S."
Also, have you noticed our prices on these tweezers are the lowest you can possibly get? You'll save considerably ordering high-quality Dumont tweezers from us, whether it is one pair or many pairs. We believe in the importance of high-quality tweezers, and commit to keeping them as affordable as possible for electrologists throughout the country.